Monday, April 6, 2009

The "Bump" update

Well, any day now we should be expecting a new addition to our family. Everyday that we think will be the day turns out not to be and just makes us more anxious. I think that's how its been my whole life and I've subconsciously told myself not to expect things. Like when I was in college and I was unsure of how an exam turned out, I told myself that I failed. If I did happen to fail, it was no surprise. But... if I scored higher, then I exceeded my expectations and surprised myself.

Point of my story, I'm going to tell myself that the baby is not coming because the excitement is killing me. But its kinda hard applying my mental strategy because every hour, a certain mother appears on my caller id and asks, "Is she here yet?" Love you mom!!!

Well, it should be any day now. I can't wait to put up baby pictures up!!!

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