Monday, May 11, 2009

Special Recognition Giveaway

I love my wife. I love her for taking my food away from me just before I begin to overeat. I love her for the little strawberry slices she puts on my waffles every morning. I love her for reminding me daily that I am a better photographer than I was yesterday and I love her even more for all she endured to bring our little girl into this world. I just love her. Sometimes I think of all the million and one things that I am grateful for but somehow remain unsaid and for that I want the world to know just how awesome she is.

Thinking about this made me realize that there have to be others out there that think and feel the same way I do. I know there may be someone in your life that deserves to be honored or praised; someone that you wish you could say, “I see you” in a meaningful way too. For this reason, I decided to create an opportunity for others to share their “special someone” with the rest of the world. From now until May 29th, I will be taking nominations from everyone and anyone. Just send me the name of the person, and a short description explaining this wonderful person. One deserving winner will be given a free portrait session and an 8x10 print ($200 value) and their biography and photoshoot will be posted on my blog for all to admire.

Here are the contest details: Please send an email to

1) List your special person’s name and why they deserve this nomination
2) Include your contact information (email address)
3) Share this post with your family and friends so they may nominate someone they
4) Nominations must be received by 11:59 PST on Friday, May 29th
5) The winner will be announced on Sunday, May 31st.


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